Due to the death of my Father this week, I will not be posting any videos this week. Be sure to subscribe so that you can get future articles and videos. Thanks to everyone for your kind condolences and well-wishes.
Have you ever heard of the saying, “Friends are like diamonds, precious and rare?”
In truth, diamonds aren’t particularly rare; in fact, they are the most common precious stone available on Earth. It is the carat, color, cut and clarity of the stone that determines its value. Another words, it’s the quality of the diamond that makes it both precious and rare.
The same can be said of friends. You can have a large amount of people in your life you may define as friends, but the most precious of them—are in fact-- rare.
It is said, “A good friend will help you move, but a RARE friend will help you move a body.” I know. I know. That’s a bit extreme. But, if you are lucky, you will be blessed with a friend who would do virtually anything for you—minus accessory to murder of course (wink).
I’ve had great (girl)friends and amazing (boy)friends though out the years, but a ride or die—I’ve only had one. It’s that person that you can depend on during good times and bad. It’s that individual that will tell you the truth no matter what, but will still support you when you don’t listen. They accept you for what you are—and what you are not. They are there for you during the most celebratory of times and the most heartbreaking of times. Rare indeed.
Trust doesn’t come easy for many of us, including me. Trust is tied to intimacy and having the ability to be vulnerable and accepting. Hurt, pain and disappointment that we’ve experienced in life causes us to create a protective wall—and this can be very difficult to penetrate. My best friend never gave up trying, and she jokes that it took her years to become my friend. That being said—she is also the girl that tried out for high school cheerleader four years in a row until she finally made second alternate her senior year; eventually getting to cheer in one game. Now that’s resilience!
Why are friendships so important in our lives—and why do we form so many of them in the workplace? Well, for one—love and belonging is a basic human need. Friendships satisfy that longing to belong as well as reduces stress, increases happiness, improves overall worth and gives us purpose.
If we spend almost a quarter of our adult lives at work, it seems logical we are going to make some very important connections. These positive connections have a strong impact on overall work satisfaction and productivity. In addition to building stronger teams, employees who develop a personal connection with co-workers feel more secure when sharing new ideas and thoughts—thus allowing for more creativity.
Regardless of the level of friendship or whether it transcends the confines of the workplace, close connections are a necessity to our overall wellbeing. Who better to support and guide you through a crisis or time of change than those experiencing it at the same time? Not only do the connections we develop in the workplace become friends, many times they become like family.
My ride or die is also my mentor, my sister from another mister and the first person I would call in an emergency.
My best friend gave me something that can’t be measured by clarity, carat or cut—she showed me how to be a friend through her loving example. In showing me how to be a friend, I have been able to open myself up to new friendships and connections. It is through her lesson that I was able to form a truly special friendship through another connection I made at work. A connection that has offered me spiritual growth and guidance, along with laughter and joy.
These friendships have lifted me when I could not lift myself. These friendships have encouraged me when I doubted myself. These friendships have covered me in love when my heart has been broken. And these friendships have wiped my tears with their unwavering support during the loss of my Father this week.
Thank you Michelle for being my ride or die. And to Diane, thank you for allowing me the privilege to call you friend.
Now about that body…
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